Task 3

Creation of a multi-hazard scientific partnership that can support the ERCC with monitoring and analysis functions on a 24/7 basis and will facilitate the information exchange

Leading Institutions: FMI (METEO), KOERI (GEO)

T3- Objective 1. Creation of a world leading multi-hazard scientific partnership

The consortium members named in this proposal will form the core of the multi-hazard partnership. However, in order to ensure this partnership meets state-of-the-art standards, we will analyse both the information collected during Task 2 (Inventory) and the actual functioning of the monitoring services provided by the partnership, which will allow to:

  • Evaluate current practises and methodologies used by the existing service provision to mandated civil protection agencies.
  • Identify best practises and synergies between the partners, in order to better define the governance of ARISTOTLE operations.

Therefore, completion of the analysis phase will provide the information needed to finalise the operational governance and to propose terms of reference to both the tenderers and the ERCC, and finally to formally create a “European Natural Hazard Scientific Partnership” which will gather together the network of experts responsible for service provision to ERCC during the pilot project and beyond.


T3- Objective 2. Creation of sustainable partnership Governance

The underpinning partnership governance is a key to the efficient and effective operational delivery of services to the ERCC and also to the internal working between partners. Therefore, this objective entails the definition of the Partnership Governance (i.e., how the system is being structured with its own organizational bodies) and the services it will provide. The internal organization will be functional to the delivery of the services to the ERCC. Given the above complementarity, it follows that during the project the activities will focus on the following aspects.

Partnership Governance

Agree and implement internal partnership management processes, including:

  • Partnership Management Structure, including Chair, dispute resolution process, meeting schedule.
  • Roles & responsibilities.
  • Terms of reference.
  • Process for adding new partnership members.


Service Delivery

  • Defining principles of how to inform disaster management cycle planning, preparation and response phases including coordination of multi-hazard monitoring, observing and reporting networks.
  • Establishing network of hazard experts to include principles for providing 24/7 operational support.
  • Define, agree and establish reporting methodology and technology and process with ERCC.
  • Define and agree flow of information with what already provided to national stakeholders and authorities.
  • Define and agree structure of scientific reports preparation and review, as well as the methodology for their transmission to ERCC through JRC platform.
  • Define and agree with ERCC quality monitoring mechanism.


In the delivery of this objective the partnership will implement and test a common, efficient and coordinated working and reporting methodology with respect to internal partnership working and to delivery to the ERCC.

T3 Objective 3. Guidelines and recommendation for sustainable service provision

The findings of the pilot project will be reported to ERCC in the final report. This report will detail the activities of the project and specifically will produce guidelines and recommendations for sustainable service provision according to the experience and feedback collected from the pilot service and training sessions. The sustainability of adding new hazards and partners to the operational activity will be also addressed.

This objective will also cover the analysis of the required policy framework, especially in consideration of previous legislation of the European Council. In this context, the strategic goals of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 – 2030, emphasizing inter alia the need to substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030, will be also studied in detail and incorporated in Deliverable 3.3.